Leave an imprint they will never forget!

So you’ve set up your Facebook Page, YouTube Channel, Twitter account and your blog. What now? The daunting task of creating content people actually want to read can be paralyzing. Here’s a few tips:

1. Keep it simple.
Avoid tech talk and business jargon. Speak in a conversational tone. Sound human. Remember it’s not about impressing your audience with your extensive vocabulary and knowledge. It’s not about selling. It’s about giving something of value and building relationships.

2. Who are you?
It’s important to find your social media voice. This is basically your writing style and it should remain consistent across all platforms for branding purposes. To stand out amongst the social media chatter, you can’t sound like everyone else.

3. Identify your audience.
Know who you are speaking to and speak in their language. Know what type of information they are searching for.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that it doesn’t have to be perfect out of the gate. Content creation is a process that you can continuously fine tune. Don’t let fear paralyze you – just get started. Your audience is waiting.

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